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Automatic spiral plater EasySpiral<sup>&reg;</sup> / EasySpiral pro<sup>&reg;</sup>

Šifra: 9570100*LLG
Automatic spiral plater EasySpiral® / EasySpiral pro®
Accelerated bacterial enumeration. Fast spiral plating of Petri dishes replacing up to 4 dilutions / platings. A set volume of the sample is spread in a spiral pattern with logarithmically decreasing volume on the surface of the petri dish : the dish is divided into defined sectors where the volume given is precisely known. Sensitivity from 30 to 107 CFU/ml.
100% new platform with revolutionary rotating arm design allows simplified mechanics and hight speed movements: full cycle in 25 seconds.
100% new disinfection system:
  • The stylus is cleaned inside and outside by over flow.
  • The cleaning liquid bottles have sterile connectors, and are fully autoclavable .
  • More than 600 platings can be made without changing the cleaning reservoir)
  • Security detectors for lack of cleaning liquid

All liquid flows visible and accessible without tools, the stylus can be changed in 25 seconds. No external maintenance required. No need for external vacuum pump. Transparent casing in option to work outside laminar flow.
Article description 1:EasySpiral®
Article description 2:spiral plating system