Ukoliko želite kromatografske kolone , predkolone i potrošni materijal za pripremu uzoraka , sve vam može ponuditi član grupacije Kefo, Kemomed d.o.o . , koji je zastupnik američkog proizvođača kromatografskog materijala, Phenomenex .
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Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with cemented needle (N)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with cemented needle (N)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with removable needle (RN)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with removable needle (RN)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with removable needle (RN)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with removable needle (RN)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with removable needle (RN)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with removable needle (RN)
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with TLLX and gas tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with TLLX and gas tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with TLLX and gas tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with TLLX and gas tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700 series, with TLLX and gas tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series, with LT and gas-tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series, with LT and gas-tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series, with LT and gas-tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series, with LT and gas-tight
Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series, with LT and gas-tight