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Fiber glass telescopic pole INGENIOUS
Fiber glass telescopic pole INGENIOUS
Fiber glass telescopic pole INGENIOUS
Fiber glass telescopic pole INGENIOUS
Filter bags Whirl-Pak®, PE, sterile, with round wire
Filter bags Whirl-Pak®, PE, sterile, with round wire
Gas sampling tubes, DURAN® tubing
Gas sampling tubes, DURAN® tubing
Laboratory bottle with tamper-proof closure, PET sterile
Liquid sampler MiniSampler, PE
Liquid sampler UniSampler with flexible sample tubing
Liquid-Sampler, single hand operation, stainless steel V4A (1.4404), open with thumb
Liquid-Sampler, single hand operation, stainless steel V4A (1.4404), place onto bottle
Liquid-Sampler, single hand operation, stainless steel V4A (1.4404), place onto bottle
LLG-Transport tubes, PP, with screw cap